
watering globes; the gateway drug to real gardening

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I'VE RECENTLY DISCOVERED the HAPPINESS and peace of gardening. I never thought I'd be one of those people. I never thought it was something I'd "get" or be good at, or even attempt. It always seemed so foreign to me since it wasn't something I grew up with or around, living in apartments most my life.

I can honestly say it's because of these ridiculously cheap watering globes that I am now knee deep in landscaping my yard and filled with sleepless nights, fantasizing about all the beautiful plantings I want to grow and spaces I want to create with them.

In the end (err beginning), watering globes became the gateway drug to real gardening for me. They took the guesswork out of over/under-watering my plants and helped me understand them. Sounds silly, I know. But by giving me the confidence to keep a few house plants alive, I no longer feel intimidated to try and keep other stuff alive. And why not make it pretty stuff too, right?


Sunday, in the 90 degree heat, Ben and I managed to build a berm in our front yard. It was this big ugly hole left over from 2 trees we cut down last summer. I'm looking forward to planting annabelle hydrangeas and a 'Madame Lemoine' lilac bush there. 

Oh, and as you can see by the before pictures, the yard was a jungle when we bought our house 2 years ago. Overgrown and neglected, we decided to clear it all out and start fresh. So here's how she's coming along. And please (dear God, PLEASE) feel free to share your gardening secrets with me!!

*Ignore the ugly green trim I haven't gotten around to painting yet! Painting is hard.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

good god that blister is serious!